Motor de Reservas
Daniel Romero

The original recipe for the best official hotel website

There are countless ways to prepare and present a signature dish, just as when it comes time to develop an efficient and productive website, the range of options is infinite.

However, given such a magnitude of possible routes, it is essential not to get lost along the way and always keep the final destination in mind: sales. In other words, what has to be, has to be. And around that, let everyone contribute their own personal touch.

We are very aware of the importance of having a good web recipe to increase the number of reservations, and we have all the necessary ingredients to make it. Sometimes over low heat, other times just round and round. But always respecting the essence of the products, their designation of origin and the palates of their potential consumers.

There was a time when it was enough to simply be there. Getting the order on time was enough to satisfy a conformist customer profile, not in the habit of booking online, very easy to surprise and convince. But this is a changing sector that evolves day by day and the panorama today is very different...

The large fast food chains, the OTAS, which can be seen in every corner of the digital world, with their bombastic names and brands, are established in the best streets and neighborhoods of the network. That is your strong bet. The general public comes across them even if they don't want to and they have been satisfying their appetite for years, at a very good price, by the way. They don't make you fall in love, but they fill you up and they don't taste that bad either. Hoteliers, who also end up paying a good part of the bills with their tips, watch as their establishment becomes overcrowded, of course, at the cost of losing gallons . Can they aspire to more? We know that yes.

The true chefs of technology, communication and revenue management, the “Michelin stars” of direct sales, we have put on our apron and hat, we have taken out our best set of knives and, block in hand, we have focused on creating a concept that, without giving up excellence, means a more equitable distribution of the cake for everyone. The recipe is a classic, and sometimes simplicity is the joy. Having a good official website helps not only to sell more, but also to optimize the profit from such sales .

Ingredients of the original recipe

A mere list of ingredients does not guarantee that the experiment will turn out well. Therefore, below we will explain what a good official website should include, but also how to create it, the optimal times for its execution and how it will help us sell more:

Having a good web recipe is essential to increase the number of reservations:

  • Select and carefully collect all the quality raw materials: This point may seem obvious, but knowing the product in depth will make it easier for its true flavor, so appreciated by customers, to come out. Previous information about the establishment and the area is essential, always accompanied by photographs treated with care, and carefully prepared texts. This is the basis of the page's sofrito and it is important not to fall short. There will always be time to throw away what is left over.

  • Mix it with the most current design and the latest trends: Sorting and distributing all the material according to the current trends and habits of users is decisive. Structure, usability, compatibility and navigation must go hand in hand to present the material to the navigator in a clear, attractive and suggestive way on any device. Let it enter your eyes from the first moment.

  • Season everything with the most powerful booking engine and a good dose of control: This is where true masters deploy our full potential. Having a powerful and versatile booking engine , as well as the best revenue management tools, will allow us to always offer the best prices, offers and promotions. Having reached this point, selling as we want, with guaranteed parity and competition under control, we are very close to serving the client the most succulent website, with the best appearance, at the best price.

  • Skip all of the above with a good online marketing boost: It will help us a lot to bring customers to our website and remind them where we are and what we can offer them. Email marketing campaigns, loyalty clubs or promotion on social networks are just some of the complements that we can add to our page to continue highlighting our strengths.

  • Plating together with the best SEO/SEM positioning and several doses of trust: We may have developed the most complete site, but if they don't find us it will have been of little use. The hotel page must always appear in the best positions in search engines, metasearch engines and OTAs, and once inside, visitors who have arrived at the Official Website must be reminded that it offers them the possibility of making a 100% reservation. % secure, without management fees and at the best price online. All these details contribute, inspire and will prevent escapes to compare or book through other channels.

Hoteliers need an official website that meets all these requirements which, without a doubt, will necessarily lead to an increase in their direct sales. The booking engine, revenue management tools, design, online marketing and a good telephone support service work as a compact and indivisible whole in favor of the official website and the reservations through it.

Removing any of these parties in the development and construction process would mean taking unnecessary risk. Equivalent, for example, to eliminating cucumber from the gazpacho recipe, something very fashionable lately. They may still call it gazpacho, but it will never be the official one. It will neither taste nor sell the same.