Daniel Romero

Paraty Tech integrates with TripResale's innovative technology

Although it seems like it was yesterday when we started hearing about NFTs , the truth is that their origin dates back to 2017. Seven years later, many still do not understand this concept, its possible areas of application and, above all, its usefulness. . That is why the pioneering platform developed by TripResale is especially interesting, and the implications of its recent integration with the Paraty Tech reservation engine, a company firmly determined not to get off the innovation train, and one of the first hotel reservation engines in the world. market in betting on this technology.

This solution represents the birth of what they have called the Non-Refundable Resellable Rate , destined to become a natural substitute for the traditional non-refundable rate, which will allow guests, if they are forced to cancel their trip, to resell their reservation through from the TripResale marketplace. A formula with which, according to Eduardo Martínez , CEO of the company, "everyone wins, because the hotel avoids dealing with the discomfort of a guest who requests a refund that does not correspond to him, the guest books with greater peace of mind when a door opens to a hypothetical refund through resale, and the direct channel, with a very advantageous rate, creates a form of positive disparity compared to other channels, which a priori should contribute to the increase in conversion.

Furthermore, one of the main achievements is that this entire process has been simplified to the maximum, to the point of not interfering at all with the reservation process and not requiring even the slightest knowledge of the technology on which it is based on the part of the user or the hotelier, who will receive notifications every time a user purchases a resellable rate and also every time they put it up for sale.

Daniel Sánchez , CRO of Paraty Tech, a leading company in the development of technological solutions aimed at promoting the direct sale of hotels, chains, glamping and other tourist accommodations, is sure to place high hopes in this strategic collaboration, with which he hopes to “increase the ratio conversion of the booking engine, but also revolutionize the usual hotel rate structure, with this new model that changes the rules of the game that until now have been applied to non-refundable hotel rates.”

The new partnership promises to transform the way travelers manage their reservations today, offering flexibility and peace of mind in the event of any unforeseen event prior to travel, and, therefore, also the role that non-refundable rates have played to date. Along these lines concludes Gina Matheis , CEO of Paraty Tech, who is “excited about this alliance with TripResale, which marks a significant milestone in our mission to offer innovative and customer-oriented solutions, and also represents a step forward in adaptation of technology to the changing needs of the market and the traveler.