Rate Check gets stronger with HiJiffy integration
If you combine a Rate Checker with a Chatbot, only good things can come of it. And that's exactly what we've done.
Together with Price Seeker , our rate shopper, and Parity Maker , our exclusive real-time price match, Rate Check is the tool that completes what we have called Paraty Tech's “Parity Triangle”.
For those who are not yet familiar with this solution, Rate Check was created with the intention of minimizing escape routes from the conversion funnel , one of the most common reasons for abandonment being the tendency of users to compare prices from the direct channel. of sale, the official website of the establishment, with those offered by OTAs.
Rate Check comes to combat this circumstance head-on, displaying a comparator widget, a Rate Checker, in the first step of the reservation process. The widget lists the prices offered by three OTAs (to be decided by the hotel) for the same search criteria selected by the user. The logic behind the tool is very simple:
- If the establishment works well on its parity, the hotel price will always appear as the most economical option and, predictably, the user will not feel tempted to consult other options, significantly increasing the probability of conversion.
- Otherwise, the widget will not show the price of the OTA in which the disparity is occurring , and the system will alert the hotelier, via email, so that they can correct the incident as quickly as possible. In the eyes of the user, the official website is still the best option.
For Rate Check clients, this step will mean a great qualitative leap, as it will be integrated into the HiJiffy chatbot itself, an additional instant communication channel prepared to answer around 80% of the most requested questions.
For its part, for HiJiffy clients it will imply a new fundamental resource to avoid abandonment and discourage their clients from visiting other channels to compare, by offering information that occupies the first position on the list of users' concerns: " Am I really enjoying the best price online?"

There is always strength in numbers and, in this case, combining a Rate Checker with a Chatbot translates into a long list of benefits for the hotelier and the end customer:
- Lower abandonment rate , higher degree of credibility and trust and substantial time savings for users, by being able to make their comparisons without changing sites.
- Full control for the hotelier , who will always have the last word regarding the configuration of control percentages to discriminate prices and results according to their interests.
- Improvement of the user experience , who will not only have information of extraordinary value, but will also have a 24-hour communication channel. a day, prepared to answer 80% of your questions instantly.
- Rate Check's Business Intelligence , through monitoring the activity of the widget, provides very important information to correct incidents and correct disparities.
- All other advantages associated with using the HiJiffy Chatbot:
- Very simple installation and configuration.
- All relevant channels (web, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, Line, WeChat, Booking.com or even emails).
- Transfer to a real agent if necessary, and review all unresolved responses to correct and improve automated attention
- Access to customer data (name, telephone and email), in accordance with the GDPR, favoring communications with them
- Available for both hotels and hotel chains
- Reports and suggestions
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